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Sepsiszeki Nagy Balazs Nagy ErikaSepsiszéki Nagy Balázs

Ethnographer, witer, sociologist, bio-apiarist, environmentalist

Born under the sign of Aquarius, I am freedom-loving uncompromiser, a master of the art of living who carries out his dearing dreams.
I was born and grew up in Sepsiszentgyörgy, I lived in Budapest for 6 years, where I took a degree in cultural anthropology.
From September 1995 to July 2004 I managed to reach and explore all the 500 localities in Székelyföld. This research work of mine resulted in four books.
From September 2005 to June 2008 I was a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the University of Debrecen.
Since September 2009 I have been the tourism and county presenter publication editor and scientific conference organiser at the Council of Kovászna County.
In 2000, owing to my initiation, the JUNIPERUS Environmental Protection and Traditionalist Association was founded, the main objectives being education of environmental protection and patriotism.
On account of this we bring out different publications and we started to build an open-air school in the Úz Valley. I organize environmental protection and ethnocraphical camps every summer.


Nagy ErikaNagy Erika

Teacher, teacher of English and Spanish, environmentalist.

A non-conformist under the sign of Aquarius who can't bear injustice. My dreams give me wings for levitation.I like adventures and adore good company.

I was born in Nagyvárad, then grew up in Csernáton, in Székelyföld. I graduated from the Teachers Training College in Kézdivásárhely, then continued my studies as a mother with two children.
Singing and dancing is the best way for me to relax. Teaching is my passion. I teach English to children with a playful methodology, but I can also get adults to become playful during my lessons. I like this alpine lifestyle, I am not reluctant to work. I like people and help those in worse situations than mine within the bounds of my possibilities.





Csinodi Nagy GergoCsinódi Nagy Gergő

I am a sensitive Aquarian lad. I often feel that I am different from the others. I don't watch TV or play war games, I don't like playing football, but I know mushrooms and herbs. I build train and plane models, read, play the recorder, learn poems and I sing as well. I always go to school cheerfully and I am a model student. My favourite subject is Mathematics. I want to become a railway engineer. When I have lots of money, I will build a forestry railway.






Nagy Ilka UzonkaNagy Ilka-Uzonka

I was conceived in Csinód, born in Kovászna, under the sign of Gemini. According to this I am usually cheerful like the other members of my family. I like animals very much. I regularly go horse-riding. My favourite pony is Vili. I am not afraid of dogs, I dare to pet even the grumpiest sheepdog. Animals can sense that I am their friend. I help my father with bee-keeping, and it doesn't disturb me if sometimes I am stung by one or two little bees. I adore drawing and painting. I have delighted many people with my works. I want to be a vet.



Hungarian Military Cemetery

Military Cemetery


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